Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

Your insurance provider is there to help you, but they are not in the business of handing out money. They know that most property owners don’t have the time, patience or knowledge to scrutinize a settlement. That’s where a public adjuster comes in to handle the legwork for you and ensure that you receive adequate funds to recover from your loss.

The benefits of hiring a public adjuster are:

  • Representation: Without an expert by your side, your insurer will have no reason to believe that you could and would challenge an unjust settlement. Hiring a public adjuster show the insurance company that you are serious about your insurance claim, and to assist with next steps if your claim is denied.
  • Expertise: An insurance claim will come with a lot of paperwork and fine print. A public adjuster knows how the insurance policy works; they understand the policy and the fine details that your insurance company will not point out to you. Not only do you need to understand the insurance policy but in order to get a fair settlement you have to understand the construction side of the claim. With our years on construction knowledge we will help you get your home or business put back together.
  • Time: Managing your insurance claim can easily become a full-time job, between inspection by the insurance company and contractors. Your public adjuster will spare you from hours of correspondence, documentation and review. So, you can focus on regaining your sense of normalcy as possible.
  • Pace: The combination of expertise and availability makes a public adjuster more equipped to expedite the insurance claim filing process. Insurance companies speak their own language. If you don’t understand it, you might find yourself needing two or more attempts to complete each of their requests.
  • Value: Lastly and most importantly, a public adjuster can recover a sum that truly helps you move forward. A study by the Office of Program and Policy analysis & Government Accountability in the State of Florida showed that business and homeowner insurance settlements are 747% larger when a public adjuster is retained.